Gencon 2022

Please see our entire list of events: HERE

Players attending tournaments must provide all models and supplies needed to play in a standard ITS event.

Thursday 12pm- 300 Point, 3 round ITS tournament (Qualifier for Saturday Invitational)
1. Decapitation (Utilizes Blizzard & Defensive Turret F-13)
2. Firefight (Utilizes Blizzard)
3. Supremacy (Utilizes Defensive Turret F-13)

Thursday 8pm- ITS After Dark, 400 point, 3 round ITS tournament (Qualifier for Saturday Invitational)
1. Countermeasures (Utilizes multiple HVTs, Blizzard & Defensive Turret F-13)
2. Capture & Protect (Utilizes Bike Recon)
3. Frostbyte (Utilizes Blizzard, Bike Recon & Snow-Ops)

Friday 8am- Gencon Infinity Grand Prix, 300 point, 4 round ITS tournament (Qualifier for Saturday Invitational)
1. Highly Classified (Utilizes Defensive Turret F-13 & Antarctic Territory)
2. Unmasking (Utilizes Multiple HVTs- 3)
3. Looting & Sabotage (Utilizes Antarctic Territory)
4. Rescue (Utilizes Multiple HVT’s-5)

Saturday 2pm – 400 Point Team Tournament (Non-ITS), You and a friend pair up, each with a 200 point single combat group list opposite an opposing team!
1. Quadrant Control (Utilizes Antarctic Territory & Defensive Turret F-13)
2. Frontline (Utilizes Antarctic Territory)
3. Biotechvore

Saturday 2pm- Gencon Infinity Masters Invitational- Missions Announced at table

Sunday 9am- Highly Hard Mode!, Single Round ITS tournament of Highly Classified using the Hard Mode ITS objective deck. Who can close down gencon by scoring the most objectives while escaping the Best Four Days In Gaming intact?

Infinity/Aristeia Demos:
No prior experience or supplies needed. Come as you are to enjoy a hands on gaming session with one of our seasoned Warcors!

Arachne Events:

Friday 5pmInfinity Narrative Event- Guns of Navarr One

Navarr-One is a small inhabitable moonlet orbiting the planet Saranyu in Helios system, also home to the more famous planet Dawn. Named for its first settlement, Navigational outpost NAV-R1, the moonlet soon became a staging area for mining corporations on Saranyu, but has sense developed a diverse economy based on research and logistics – specifically the kinds of research and logistics one would do on a backwater moonlet in a backwater planet of a backwater system. 

All that is about to change because in a few short days, contractors from the ItzalMine GeoEngineering Company will debut a new planetary defense grid, promising protection to everyone living on NAV-R1. The grid promises to protect the moon from alien invasion, and offer protection to the planet as well. Some however see the new defense grid turning both moon and planet into a corporate prison, allowing unaccountable corporations linked to PanOceania to monopolize the mineral resources.

Central to the defense grid are massive lazer batteries of a newly refined design, stationed at key points around the moonlet. The population is uneasy with the rapid militarization of NAV-R1, and it has become clear that the next few days may determine the fate of Saranyu. 

Saturday 1pm- News From Corvus Belli

Carlos “Bostria” Llauger and Laura “Hoopoe” will present the updates on Infinity and the new project of Corvus Belli. News and surprises from the company with the best miniatures on the market.

Saturday 9pm- TAG deathmatch

It is a Game Mod for Infinity that allows many players to play against each other controlling just one miniature in a battle arena. It simulates the mechanics of an FPS. Players must supply 1 TAG.

Event Rules Courtesy of Beasts of War

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Gencon 2023

Please see our entire list of events: HERE US Infinity Warcors proudly present…. INFINITY TOURNAMENTS:Players attending tournaments must provide all models and supplies needed to play…